Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Perfect timing

Valentine's Day, Easter, and Mother's Day...
What better time to dive into selling beautiful Wooden Rose Bouquets!!!

Fund Raisers: Say you have a group of 20 people, everybody sells 10 bouquets= your just raised $1000 profit for your school class, small group, work, missionary etc.

Home Business: Groups are always wanting new and fresh fund raising products. There are many groups that you are involved in or know of that could greatly benefit from these beautiful and lasting Wooden Rose Bouquets. Contact me and i will show you how with no money down you could be making that $1000 or more by putting the bouquets together (which i do while watching movies) and finding the fund raising groups in just a few hours a week!

This is not the opportunity of a life time and it will take work BUT the investment is small and the opportunities are huge.

The Petal Peddler

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Lasting Beauty

As a landscaper in Colorado, my season is certainly limited when the snow flies. In an attempt to avoid early mornings and the unpredictablness of snow plowing, i have thrust myself into the realm of being a distributer of wooden rose bouquets.

These roses are incredible. Everybody i even get close to thinks they are real. Women say they are beautiful and could be sprayed with favorite scents. Men say that they shouldn't be put near a fire or
wonder if you have to give them saw dust instead of water. Then the men start thinking and say they would pay upwards of $25 for them.

Right now we offer them only arranged with baby's breath wrapped in cellophane. This makes them perfect for fund raisers and gifts. I am working with gift shops in Hospitals, bookstores such as Glen Eyrie's, florists, coffee shops and school's fund raising programs. Even though we are in a less "flowery" time, being that it is Fall, there are many fund raising opportunities. Church groups could raise an extra gift for their pastors during Clergy Appreciation Month (October.) School sports teams could raise money for away trip, post season games, and accessories. They can be sold for home coming, prom or dates.

I am realizing that with the virtually limitless colors, these roses can be sold all year round with much success.
Of course, gearing up for Valentines Day, Easter, and Mother's Day is bringing some incredible ideas to mind. Will keep you up dated...